Thursday, October 26, 2006

Highs and Lows

So, i've been a little down. In a rare moment of unexpected inspiration, the quill chick wrote a screenplay. This is not my first attempt at creative writing, so i'm not a complete neophyte to the muse and its whims. But, i just didnt expect to get ejected from the "zone" so swiftly.

I suppose it's only natural, right. Ride a creative high, and when it's done, feel an absence, a loss, a sadness.

So that's where i'm at. Also, i've received two rejections so far. Still sent about 29 queries out. No other response. I started snail mail query. Then i took a break to mope about the process. I received more response from my novel query process than this! This is really a different animal.

Next on the agenda is to stop moping, catch up at work, and snail mail more queries.

Let the good times roll.

Friday, October 20, 2006

My Pitch Fest

I queried 3 more agents and one production company yesterday. Slow, i know. I should be doing 10 a day, right?

Anyway, i was curious about the big screenwriting expo this weekend, which i'm not attending because 3 weeks ago, i wasnt ready, but now i am. Oh well. I'm still not going. I called two companies/agents that will be attending the pitch fest. The production company said that the only way they accept submissions is "through an agent that they work with." I asked about the pitch fest this weekend. And they reiterated, "the only way to submit, is through an agent that they work with."

Then i called icm, who's also slated to attend the pitch fest. They said that they are not accepting anyone new at this time. And i asked, "but what about the pitch fest this weekend, will you be accepting there?" They said that they're not attending the pitch fest.

So, i wonder about this pitch fest. Are the people really coming or not?

Anyway, i'm just glad i didnt rush to buy a ticket, which is what i wanted to do when i finished my screenplay.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What Are the Odds?

I read today somewhere on an agent's site that they receive 10,000 queries a year and only accept 20. TWENTY. Some odds, huh? If you do the math, and i do, because i'm a math geek for you, that's a .2% chance of getting picked. Not a 2% chance, but POINT 2 PERCENT, which is far less than even 1%. However, however, however, i must point out, that those odds are far greater than, say, the odds of winning the lottery, which, i actually thought was the same. So there. My odds are already getting better.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Under Construction

Excuse me while i try to get things set up around here. There are so many links i have to add to the right. So much to read. So little time.

In the meantime, i'm querying my screenplay. I've sent 27 email queries out in the past week. I've gotten one solid rejection and about 6 mailer demons. Methink there's something a little effed up about the 2007 Guide to Literary Agents' 12 page section on Script Agents.

I think i need a new strategy. I'm querying from the heart of the heartland. I might have to do a little more than silent emails in the night, while i shuffle between bed and the day job.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Oh wow. Now that i've started a new blog, and about writing no less, i have writer's block. Go figure. All of the sudden, it's like, who am i kiddin? I wanna write? Ha! And, i think i wanna sell what i wrote? Ha Ha!

Anyway, this is my journey through writing and selling, when and if i can beat down the demons standing at the door of my creativity.

When that happens (along with the requisite miracle from God), i'll see you at the oscars ;)